Don’t Use Feces or Urine as Fertilizer

Urine is not an acceptable fertilizer for your cannabis plants. First of all, urine contains bacteria that can make you sick. Handling it is like handling toxic waste. Why do you think we have treatment plants for human waste. They can't just put in the river so why put it on your cannabis plants? Don't do it. And what if you get busted by Cannabis Control with e.coli, salmonella, or some other strain of infectious bacteria. They may require you destroy your crop. Don't take a chance. Always use packaged fertilizer that's safe for gardening, gardeners, and your customers that are going to buy your buds.
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Getting Your Images Just Right

Having trouble making your listing look good? Here's a few tips to making the perfect listing. Upload retina display graphics (under 16MB) Use a horizontal orientation every time. When uploading images make sure they have the same height and width in pixels When using a logo, make it centered and smaller in a horizontal graphic so that it doesn't get cut off.
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Win the New York Cannabis Directory’s Business of the Year Award

What would you do if you won the New York Cannabis Directory's Business of the Year Award? Go nuts? If your business wins the award you will get: A permanent space in our Business of the Year Hall of Fame. A photograph(provided by you) of your business and employees in a blog article we will publish on our website. A free web banner for your business that will also be added to our Kind Links page and the Cannatop 100 Your listing will be featured on the homepage for a year Bragging rights! What do you need in order to win? All you've got to do is fill out the entry form. Deadline for entries is July 12, 2024 so don't delay.
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